Access control in TWiki

Before access control, it is necessary to know that TWiki contains two types of content, Topic and Web.


Topic, Web and?Inheritance?

A Web, for example, Main and Sandbox, can contains lots of Topic pages. A Topic page may have a parent Topic page, or directly belongs to a Web.

A Web can have no parent Web, i.e. a top level Web, such as SandBox, Main and TWiki. A sub Web (subweb) is a Web which has a parent Web, then this is a multilevel Web structure.

The access control policies are not able to inherited between Topic pages, but able between Web.

Access Control in a Topic page

Edit a Topic page, and add policies like the following

???* Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiUserGroup
???* Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = Main.TWikiUserGroup

The <!-- and --> pair is HTML comment symbol to ensure the policies are hidden while browsing. More about Topic policies setting, please visit http://yourtwikisite/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiAccessControl#Controlling%20access%20to%20a%20Topic

Access control in a Web

Head to the “WebPreferences” Topic page of a Web, and edit. Policies are near the end of the page, like

* Set DENYWEBVIEW = Main.TWikiGuest
* Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
* Set DENYWEBCHANGE = Main.TWikiGuest
* Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup
* Set DENYWEBRENAME = Main.TWikiGuest
* Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = Main.TWikiAdminGroup

Create a new Web

head to http://yourtwikisite/bin/view/TWiki/ManagingWebs. To create a subweb named Bar inside a web named Foo, use Foo/Bar or Foo.Bar as the new web name in the form above.

Inheritance of subwebs

Look at http://yourtwikisite/bin/view/TWiki/ManagingWebs#Subweb%20Preferences%20are%20Inherited.

Related Articles: TWiki Create new Web and Hierarchical Webs, TWiki Install Memo