As a memo. This may be helpful in the future, or useful for others want to install Dspace on windows w/ multiple language in different directories.
- Install J2SE. Remember the environment setting.
- Download and install Tomcat (6.x is also O.K.)
- Install the Apache Ant. Remember the environment setting.
During installing dspace.
- Read the document (DSpace On Windows), this document can help u go through the install process w/o problems. And, in first installation, remember to do the following.
${target}\bin\dsrun org.dspace.administer.CreateAdministrator
This setting is unnecessary in 2nd, 3rd, etc. installations (in different directory installations).
- Download I18n, and replace the original one (in ${source}\config\language-packs)
- Modify the directory settings in ${source}\config\dspace.cfg, no matter how many different directory installations, just use the same directory settings.
- Modify the build.xml (${source}\build.xml) for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. installations, because the db settings and registries are done in the first time installation.
in line 355:
- <target name="fresh_install"
description="Do a fresh install of the system, overwriting any data">
+ <target name="fresh_install"
description="Do a fresh install of the system, overwriting any data"> - Before copy .war files of the 2nd, 3rd, etc. installations (different directory installations) to the webapps directory of Tomcat, remember to rename them.