Obama is almost Mr. President?!!!

Mr. Powell 居然出來挺 Nominee Obama!!!!!!!!

這件事情有些人可能覺得沒什麼,但是,我們來仔細回想一下 Mr. Powell 是何許人也?

Mr. Powell 是退役將軍,如果對第一次伊拉克戰爭有印象的人,應該可以回想起來這位大大就是當時的統帥將軍,而他後來在 President Bush (老布希)跟 President Clinton 手下當 Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff,翻成中文就是美國參謀長聯席會議主席;在2001年底到2004年底則是小布希的國務卿。

發現到什麼了嗎?對, Mr. Powell 是個 Republican,而 Nominee Obama 是 Democrat 啊!

雖然 Mr. Powell 跟 Nominee McCain 是25年的老交情,不過他還是這麼說...

As gifted as he (McCain) is, he is essentially going to execute the Republican agenda, the orthodoxy of the Republican agenda, with a new face and a maverick approach to it, and he’d be quite good at it. But I think we need a generational change.

雖然 Mr. Powell 對兩陣營都有 donation,但挾有$150 million募款資金的 Mr. Powell 在"Meet the Press"節目上卻表明了...

It has moved more to the right than I would like to see it. The approach of the Republican Party and Mr. McCain has become narrower and narrower.


而有了大筆資金的 Obama 這下子選起來可更加容易了。

相關新聞:Donation Record as Colin Powell Endorses ObamaPowell’s Endorsement Puts Spotlight on His Legacy