Lot 97 2004 Western Australia Chardonnay


Drinking too much is not good to your healthy, and you can not drink unless you are adult.

那天去 Costco 採買,看到了這一瓶來自西澳洲的 2004 Chardonnay,心想含稅大概USD$12 真的蠻便宜的,又沒有喝過澳洲來的 Chardonnay,就買一瓶來試試看吧。:P

That day I went to Costco, this Western Australia Chardonnay 2004 caught my eye. After a few moments of pondering, I thought the price USD$12 (tax included) is attractive, so I took one.

顏色是漂亮的金黃色帶點綠色色彩,香氣主要以成熟瓜果香味為主,香味集中但不似之前喝過的加州 Chardonnay 那樣濃郁,略帶點煙燻味。入口的口感是討喜的甜味,主要是木質的香氣,隨後出現的是和前面的口感很平衡的微酸,讓品嚐多了不少驚喜。雖然在陰陰的天氣裡品嚐,但這瓶酒喝起來確有種溫暖的感覺。

The color is brilliant gold with a note of green. The aromas is majorly ripe melon, concentrated but not as strong and rich as California style Chardonnay. Besides, there is a hint of smoky. While tasting, the first impression is its charming sweet, and then the oak comes out. The most surprising is the last follows balanced acids. Although I taste it in a cloudy day, but it still gives me a feeling of warm.

綜合來說,這瓶來自西澳洲的 Chardonnay算是物超所值,而且也蠻好喝的。但,要被稱做「很棒」的話,他還有段距離就是,大概和上個月去 Vinocruz 做 wine tasting 時喝到的 Testarossa Chardonnay Castello 2007 差不多。

To sum up, this Western Australia Chardonnay is worth more than its price, and bring a good tasting experience to me. However, it is still far behind a "GREAT" Chardonnay. Humm, it may be at the same level as Testarossa Chardonnay Castello 2007 I tasted in Vinocruz last month.

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