2010/12/11, 孔雀
Hermann Dönnhoff
Hermann Dönnhoff是德國少數五顆星的酒廠之一,知名的媒體給予Dönnhoff年度風雲釀酒師的頭銜”Winemaker of the Year”;Robert Parker給Dönnhoff 2001年的Riesling 100的滿分;Hugh Johnson宣稱此酒廠所產之Riesling 是Nahe產區表現最佳最完整;Decanter雜誌也曾描述此酒廠為德國酒廠的精英;Stuart Pigott也給予Dönnhoff最高的評價,並指出本廠所釀之Riesling是Nahe區的第一。
Robert Weil
Robert Weil 羅伯威爾酒莊享有德國最高等級五串葡萄的容譽,位於萊茵高(Rheingau) 區,它是德國最重要及聲譽富載的產區,早在六世紀時就聞名全歐,酒莊創始人Dr. Robert Weil為法國索邦大學的德語教授,在1870年的普法戰爭時被迫使離開巴黎回到德國,1868 年Weil 博士在Kiedrich購買了他的第一個葡萄園,1875年建立了羅伯威爾酒廠,98%以種植Riesling 為主,2%為 Spätburgunder(Pinot Noir)。他為自家酒莊奠定了良好的基礎,而且很迅速地就建立了卓越的聲譽。在十九世紀末、二十世紀初,本酒莊的產品曾經風靡了許多歐洲的王室。目前掌舵者為第四代的Wilheim Weil先生是個積極進取主事者,也讓此酒廠於1997年獲得Gault Millau葡萄酒指南的年度風雲釀酒師。
St. Urbans-hof
Piesport這個村莊是Mosel-Saar-Ruwer這區最重要的產區之一,位於此區最心臟的地帶,其葡萄園Goldtröpfchen在德文裡是金色小點滴的意思,也就是說此酒廠釀的酒滴滴都是精釀,彌足珍貴,亦如黃金般的尊榮,令世人激賞不已。此酒廠成立於1948年,目前由第三代Nik Weis負責經營。酒廠的名稱St.-Urbans是德國的葡萄酒的守護神,保佑葡萄生長順利與豐收。該酒莊目前有38公頃的葡萄園,90年代起品質進步明顯,曾經被The guide to German Wines評定為"Excellent Producer"的高度評價
Hermann Dönnhoff 2008 Oberhäuser Leistenberg Riesling Kabinett Nahe
[ezcol_1half]![Hermann Dönnhoff 2008 Oberhäuser Leistenberg Riesling Kabinett](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3912/14724680935_efae23de93.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Pale straw color, with green hue. Mineral, light petrol hint, lemon, walnut note, light peach, wet grass, baked grans.
The palate has flavors of bouquet, citrus, light peach, light honey, and mineral. Medium+ acidity.
SY Rating: 17/20
Robert Weil 2008 Riesling Kabinett Rheingau
[ezcol_1half]![Robert Weil 2008 Riesling Kabinett Rheingau](https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2895/14724375022_cb19b49a8f.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Pale straw color. Dry stone fruits, light nuts, light honey, light citrus, light passion fruit, wet soil, wet grass.
Semi-sweet. Honey, peach, light mineral, and light citrus on the palate. High acidity.
SY Rating: 17/20
Hermann Dönnhoff 2008 Norheimer Kirschheck Riesling Spatlese Nahe
[ezcol_1half]![Hermann Dönnhoff 2008 Norheimer Kirschheck Riesling Spatlese Nahe](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3897/14721505761_69d12f6de0.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Pale straw, with green hue. Light petrol, nuts shell, mineral, light bouquet of white flowers, railroad tie wood, and dry tangerine skin.
Palate has peach, lemon, light honey, light bouquet, and mineral. Sweet, well balanced with high acidity.
SY Rating: 18/20
Robert Weil 2008 Riesling Spatlese Rheingau
[ezcol_1half]![Robert Weil 2008 Riesling Spatlese Rheingau](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5569/14721505641_5306f9e948.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Pale straw with green hue. Light stony, light citrus, light maple sugar, petrol, and railroad tie wood.
Palate has peach, light citrus, and mineral.
SY Rating: 17.5/20
Robert Weil 2009 Riesling Spatlese Kiedricher Grafenberg Rheingau
[ezcol_1half]![Robert Weil 2009 Riesling Spatlese Kiedricher Grafenberg Rheingau](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5574/14701683816_c38e91c902.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Pale straw, with light green hue. Lychee, guava note, light stone, and light railroad tie.
High acidity, with flavors of lychee, peach, light citrus, and mineral on the palate.
SY Rating: 18.5/20
St. Urbans-hof 2006 Ockfener Bockstein Riesling Spatlese Mosel-Saar-Ruwar
[ezcol_1half]![St. Urbans-hof 2006 Ockfener Bockstein Riesling Spatlese Mosel-Saar-Ruwar](https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2934/14721505531_b275c2e7d0.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Medium- blonde, with green hue. Honey, mineral, petrol hint, light yogurt note, and tea leaves.
Honey, citrus, and fresh grass on the palate.
SY Rating: 17.5/20
St. Urbans-hof 2007 Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riesling Spatlese Mosel-Saar-Ruwar
[ezcol_1half]![St. Urbans-hof 2007 Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riesling Spatlese Mosel-Saar-Ruwar](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3841/14538234747_5c1d22cf49.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Medium- straw color. Mineral, wax, petrol, and stone fruits. Medium+ acidity and flavors of honey, peach, apple, pineapple, and mineral.
SY Rating: 18/20
Robert Weil 2008 Kiedricher Grafenberg Riesling Auslese Rheingau
[ezcol_1half]![Robert Weil 2008 Kiedricher Grafenberg Riesling Auslese Rheingau](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3840/14724374622_ab258a0996.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Medium- blonde color. Honey, railroad tie wood, light nuts, and mineral.
Very sweet balanced with high acidity. Palate flavors cover honey, ripe peach, mineral, and lychee. Chewy mouthfeel.
SY Rating: 19/20
St. Urbans-hof 2009 Goldtropfchen Riesling Auslese Mosel-Saar-Ruwar
[ezcol_1half]![St. Urbans-hof 2009 Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riesling Auslese Mosel-Saar-Ruwar](https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2931/14538013080_ac60a4afb7.jpg)
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Pale straw color with green hue. Acacia, lychee, peach, light honey, maple sugar, light eucalyptus leaves note, and guava.
Palate is quite intense, and high acidity. Acacia, peach, maple sugar, citrus, lychee, and honey. Very sweet.
SY Rating: 18.5/20