Different teaching experiences
Windows Form 控制項的存取並非原本就採用安全執行緒的方式。當有兩個或多個執行緒管理控制項的狀態,就有可能強制控制項進入不一致的狀態。其他與執行緒有關的錯誤也有可能如此,包括競爭情形和死結。
Still in VS 2005 IDE
the same, in VS 2005 IDE
in Visual Studio .net IDE
The time zone problem?can be?solved as the following setting changes. 1st – change the timezone setting in http://twikisite/bin/configure – find Localisation / {DisplayTimeValues} – change the value from gmtime to servertime (as the attached screenshot) 2nd – modify the apache httpd configuration file – edit apache/conf/httpd.conf – find out the line SetEnv TZ GMT0BST (or […]
Before access control, it is necessary to know that TWiki contains two types of content, Topic and Web.
*NOTE* http://yourtwikisite/bin/view/TWiki/ManagingWebs Related: TWiki Install Memo
Platform: Windows 2000, Cygwin 1.5.24, Apache 1.3.37