[人像] 春天
小紫, 台中清水、高美附近, 2010/03/21 附註:從這一篇開始把 theme 改掉,加大了寬度,這樣看照片應該爽度有提升 XD
小紫, 台中清水、高美附近, 2010/03/21 附註:從這一篇開始把 theme 改掉,加大了寬度,這樣看照片應該爽度有提升 XD
After the baptism, the next day is party. In Aalst, a grace garden with a beautiful and well decorated building, and the great weather. 😀
It’s really an interesting experience attending a baptism, and taking photos for it. Thanks for Michelle’s invitation, thanks for the warm weather and charming Julian (*heart*), and the most appreciated is the lovely touching interaction between people. Let’s enjoy the photos! (and sorry for my lazy and late)
The 1st wedding after back to TW, cong. to my university classmate, Mike Chang! 😀 Well, an classmate’s wedding is the best occasion for reunion. 😛 (Well, again, I am not in the photo… the sadness of camera-er. XD BTW, I think I am a little not as close to portrait photos as before, after […]
Well, this is a business can be found in traveling spots. Someone may take a picture of you, and you can get some product or the original picture if you pay. In Ghent, the guy took a shot of me, as the 1st photo. And I took one of him. 😛
拿相機的壞處是要拍自己很麻煩,特別是在自助旅行的時候,所以就拍影子吧 XD ↑攝於San Francisco的Exploratorium ↑攝於Naples Island公車站牌
還沒去拍過照片的快去吧 XD