Access control in TWiki
Before access control, it is necessary to know that TWiki contains two types of content, Topic and Web.
Before access control, it is necessary to know that TWiki contains two types of content, Topic and Web.
*NOTE* http://yourtwikisite/bin/view/TWiki/ManagingWebs Related: TWiki Install Memo
Platform: Windows 2000, Cygwin 1.5.24, Apache 1.3.37
So, let’s go back to Lucene .NET
一般來說使用 XP 遠端連線程式(mstsc.exe)連線到 Windows Server (2000 / 2003) 時都不是進入 console 桌面,但有些時候總會有這樣的需要(謎?)。剛剛找到解決的方式,如下: mstsc -v:servername -console 或 mstsc /console (原文) 2011.04.07 Update: 如果是新版(6.1.7600)的遠端桌面連線就不支援 /console 這個參數了,改成使用 /admin 這個參數。所以變成 mstsc /v:server /admin 就可以了 😀
As a memo. This may be helpful in the future, or useful for others want to install Dspace on windows w/ multiple language in different directories.