First Impressions of Bruges / 布魯日的第一印象
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).
After the baptism, the next day is party. In Aalst, a grace garden with a beautiful and well decorated building, and the great weather. 😀
It’s really an interesting experience attending a baptism, and taking photos for it. Thanks for Michelle’s invitation, thanks for the warm weather and charming Julian (*heart*), and the most appreciated is the lovely touching interaction between people. Let’s enjoy the photos! (and sorry for my lazy and late)
cute dogs~ 😀 And their masters are also interesting, ask me for photos of dogs… 😀
The 1st wedding after back to TW, cong. to my university classmate, Mike Chang! 😀 Well, an classmate’s wedding is the best occasion for reunion. 😛 (Well, again, I am not in the photo… the sadness of camera-er. XD BTW, I think I am a little not as close to portrait photos as before, after […]
Well, this is a business can be found in traveling spots. Someone may take a picture of you, and you can get some product or the original picture if you pay. In Ghent, the guy took a shot of me, as the 1st photo. And I took one of him. 😛
Pete Souza 是目前白宮的專任攝影師,自從 Obama 上任之後就一直拍攝白宮的日常生活,這些照片都可以在 the Official White House Photostream 找到。 而剛剛在 flickr 上看到了 “delivering on change” 這個 photo set,我覺得都是很棒的照片,其中我最喜歡上面這張。嗯,廢話不多說,直接看 slideshow 吧。
最近在 Santa Cruz downtown 出現了一個有趣的街頭表演者,之所以有趣是在他的服裝。 幾週前看到這樣紫色的裝扮。 昨天週末出現的時候是這個模樣,在太陽下可閃閃發亮的啊。 (Y) 大概也因為裝扮花了很多功夫,所以也比較多人給予掌聲與$$。 😛
Taken by Ricoh GX100 第一張很有朝氣的感覺,雖然明明是下午。 XD 第二張的花實在開得很多,開很大,開不用錢。整棵樹變成緋紅一片。 第三張。花瓣非常的漂亮,另外會讓我聯想到一些東西。(?__?) 這三張照片都是三月底的時候在路上拍的,不太確定各是什麼,之前也都沒見過,應該也是薔薇科喬木吧?或許等開始結果實的時候就會知道了。