Bordeaux 2007
2010/6/12 @孔雀 未成年請勿飲酒
2010/6/12 @孔雀 未成年請勿飲酒
雖然從過年前一路拖到現在才吃到,還是感謝肚魚大正妹帶路 😀
Arboleda (雅伯利達) Winery, 號稱是智利的Opus One.
Still the same, @vinocruz. 未成年請勿飲酒
still the same, @vinocruz. 未成年請勿飲酒
Well, still @vinocruz 未成年請勿飲酒
@vinocruz 未成年請勿飲酒
我有時候會寫下一款酒給我的感受,以往都放在最後頭,但這瓶酒實在令人印象深刻,我決定拿到前頭來。 Sometimes, I wrote down my perception of a wine at the end of a wine tasting notes. However, this wine is too impressive, so I move it to the beginning. 初夏的午後, 走在山間小村的路上; 一陣清風, 帶來不遠處番石榴成熟的香; 順著而去, 眼前是一道棚架, 藤蔓在上頭攀爬; 陽光穿過, 在身上灑下了溫暖, 也帶來百香果的熱情; 繼續望前, 我依稀聽到泉水的低語, 在夏日的暑裡帶來一份清涼。 I walk along a path of a hill burg in an […]
飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒! Drinking too much is not good to your healthy, and you can not drink unless you are adult.