Others in Bruges
It’s lucky that the hostel I lived provided free walking tour, so that participants can watch the scene of this historical city and know some stories about it. Well, I can not remember all of them, so I just write down what I still remember here. 🙂
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).
原本以為這本書是一本單純的旅遊小說,開始閱讀前幾頁的時候也給人這樣的感覺,不過隨著翻閱的頁數越多,就越覺得不是這麼一回事。法國籍作者在五十年後在巴黎街頭上班路上遇到來自達卡的小販,如此的因緣際會讓他開啟一個新旅程,回到小時候成長的西北非,而故事也這麼樣開始。當然,仍可以把它當成一本旅遊書籍來閱讀,但如果仔細對照作者現今的感受與小時候的印象,對比作者與卡達小販的對話,會有不同的感觸。 事隔五十年,許多的事情都和他仍是小孩時的樣子不同。西北非的許多國家脫離了殖民,但是卻陷入了許多的困境,內戰、貧窮、髒亂等等。小販不得不到巴黎販售手工藝品,許多的區域是爭奪地盤資源的危險內戰區,過去繁華的都市現在卻頹倚衰落。過去是殖民者榨取被殖民者的勞力成果,被殖民者某種程度上享受殖民者的建設成果;現在殖民者離開了,但欺壓榨取卻依舊存在。 瑪瑪都說,「二個世紀前,鍊子是鐵做帶鍊子的是奴隸。現在呢,帶金鍊子的是奴役他人的人,這些金鍊子是現代奴隸制度的印記。出於經濟需要,多數人被少數人犧牲,奴隸制度從未消滅。在第三世界國家,人和人之間還是互相剝削。」 即使在台灣,也有不少這樣類似的情況。
It’s really an interesting experience attending a baptism, and taking photos for it. Thanks for Michelle’s invitation, thanks for the warm weather and charming Julian (*heart*), and the most appreciated is the lovely touching interaction between people. Let’s enjoy the photos! (and sorry for my lazy and late)
cute dogs~ 😀 And their masters are also interesting, ask me for photos of dogs… 😀
Well, this is a business can be found in traveling spots. Someone may take a picture of you, and you can get some product or the original picture if you pay. In Ghent, the guy took a shot of me, as the 1st photo. And I took one of him. 😛
Driving in BE is an interesting experience for me.
Yap, I am in Belgium right now, having breakfast and planning the route today.