手動方式 WAMPServer 更新 Apache 版本
情況是要把 WampServer 3.2.0 裏頭的 Apache 2.4.43 升級到 2.4.48。 理論上要先把 WampServer 先升級到 3.2.3 再到 3.2.5 (apache 2.4.48要求),然後才能安裝 Apache 2.4.48。
情況是要把 WampServer 3.2.0 裏頭的 Apache 2.4.43 升級到 2.4.48。 理論上要先把 WampServer 先升級到 3.2.3 再到 3.2.5 (apache 2.4.48要求),然後才能安裝 Apache 2.4.48。
不確定在自行安裝的機器上面會不會這樣,但至少在 GCP (google cloud platform)上頭的 windows server機器會這樣,所以只好改一下設定。
Sometimes, we just want to release a single .exe file without a mass of .dll library files. This makes users easier to copy the file, and does not unveil the information of libraries used in the program.
取得登入帳號 Environment.UserName 取得帳號等有儲存在本機上的資訊 using System.Security.Principal; using System.Threading; //—– AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy(PrincipalPolicy.WindowsPrincipal); WindowsPrincipal myPrincipal = (WindowsPrincipal)Thread.CurrentPrincipal; WindowsIdentity myIdentity = (WindowsIdentity)myPrincipal.Identity; Console.WriteLine(“IdentityType: ” + myIdentity.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(“Name: {0}”, myIdentity.Name); Console.WriteLine(“Member of Users? {0}”, myPrincipal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.User)); Console.WriteLine(“Member of Administrators? {0}”, myPrincipal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)); Console.WriteLine(“Authenticated: {0}”, myIdentity.IsAuthenticated); Console.WriteLine(“Anonymous: {0}”, myIdentity.IsAnonymous); 取得帳號等有儲存在本機上的資訊 – II 使用 Win32 API using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //—– [DllImport(“Advapi32.dll”, EntryPoint=”GetUserName”, ExactSpelling=false, SetLastError=true)] static extern […]
讓視窗程式只在 system tray 中顯示, 不會出現在工作列(task bar)中, 也不會出現在 alt-tab 清單裡頭