Wine Tasting@Santa Clara — Part 2

Part 2...


3. Kirigin Cellars

R0015300 (by Phanix)

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第三站來到 Kirigin Cellars,他們的 Tasting room 外觀很有趣。 😛     在這邊有 Sauvignon Blanc、Chardonnay、Malvasia Bianca、Red、Pinot Noir、Syrah、Cabernet Sauvignon、Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006、Zinfandel、Champagne、Vino de Moca。


Malvasia Bianca。Malvasia 是多品種白葡萄的總稱,而 Malvasia Bianca 是其中之一。這也是我第一次喝 Malvasia 的酒,但馬上讓我想到稍早在 Hecker Pass 喝到的 Muscat,因為都有明顯的甜桃與荔枝味道,雖然不像 Muscat 那樣濃郁,可是有一些花香,而口味上沒有那麼甜。

Red。多種葡萄混合的紅酒,煙燻、皮革的味道很明顯,再加上黑莓香味,氣味明顯壓過接下來的 Pinot Noir 和 Syrah,導致後兩者在喝的時候沒什麼感覺。 🙁

Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006。味道和口感很像前一款一般等級的 Cabernet Sauvignon,但是黑醋栗、花香與木質的味道集中許多,丹寧也柔順許多。

Champagne。相比起來 Fortino 的比較好,氣泡比較細緻、口感也比較順。

Vino de Moca。咖啡、可可、焦糖。當作在喝焦糖瑪奇朵就是了。 😛

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The third winery is Kirigin Cellars, the exterior of tasting room is cute. Here are Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Malvasia Bianca, Red, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006, Zinfandel, Champagne, Vino de Moca.

Chardonnay. Typical peach flavor, a little harsh mouthfeel.

Malvasia Bianca. Malvasia is a group of grape varieties, and Malvasia Bianca is one of them. This is my firs Malvasia, but it reminds me of Muscat in Hecker Pass. Apparently peaches and lychees, but this one is not as dense as Muscat. However, this Malvasia Bianca has additional floral bouquet and not so sweet.

Red. A blend of multiple grapes, smoky and leather come with black berries. Its aromas and palates press down the next two wines, Pinot Noir and Syrah, so I almost feel nothing special while having them. 🙁

Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006. Tastes like the preceeding normal Cabernet Sauvignon, but more concentrated black currant, flowers and woods, and smoother tannins.

Champagne。I prefer the Champagne in Fortino winery, which has finer sparkles and mouthfeel.

Vino de Moca。Coffee, cocoa and caramel. Just image you are having a Caramel Macchiato.  😛


4. Sycamore Creek

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Sycamore Creek 試了 Sauvignon Blanc 2006、Chardonnay 2005、Nv Uvas、Cabernet Sauvignon 2004、Syrah 2005、Petite Syrah 2006。

Nv Uvas。Uvas 在西班牙文是「很棒」的意思,而這款酒也真的很棒。由 Cabernet Sauvignon 和 Chardonnay 以及 3% 的 Syrah 混合而成。有花香、黑醋栗、櫻桃、木質香味。口感略辛,丹寧柔順,香氣在口中也持續很久,喝完很貪心地又多要一口。 XD

Syrah 2005 和 Petite Syrah 2006。05有罕見的藍莓味道,加上一點煙薰及辛香味,口感比 06 順很多,丹寧也比 06 成熟。06有著花香、雨中土壤的味道,氣味整體來說比 05 來的清新明亮。

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In Sycamore Creek, we tried Sauvignon Blanc 2006, Chardonnay 2005, Nv Uvas, Cabernet Sauvignon 2004, Syrah 2005 and Petite Syrah 2006.

Nv Uvas. "Uvas" means "great" in Spanish, and this wine is really "uvas". A great cuvée of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and 3% Syrah, and comes with flowers, black currant, cherry and wood. A little spicy palate and velvet tannins with lingering finish. I liked it and am so greedy to ask for another round of it.  XD

Syrah 2005 and Petite Syrah 2006. 05 has rare aromas of blue berries, with a little smoky and spicy smells. Smoother tastes and tannins than 06. 06 has flowers and soil in rain, and smells fresher and brighter.


5. Jason Stephens

R0015304 (by Phanix)

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Jason Stephens 是個剛成立、很年輕的酒莊,但葡萄園已經有一段時間。在這邊試了 Estate Chardonnay 2007, Cabernet Sauvignon 2006, Merlot 2006, Syrah 2006, Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006。

Estate Chardonnay 2007。瓜類香味,柑橘口感帶有土壤味。

Merlot 2006。耶~又是藍莓。櫻桃,些微煙燻味道。不過蠻希望在 Cabernet Sauvignon 之前喝就是。

Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 和 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006。會特別記下來是因為,典型的黑醋栗味道不像其他喝過的那麼濃郁,不過黑莓味道卻明顯一些。兩者的丹寧都還太年輕而咬舌,不過 Estate 的丹寧厚實許多。

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Jason Stephens is a new and young winery which has vineyards for a couple of years. They provides Estate Chardonnay 2007, Cabernet Sauvignon 2006, Merlot 2006, Syrah 2006 and Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 for tasting.

Estate Chardonnay 2007. Melon aromas, and citrus palate with earthy taste.

Merlot 2006. Blueberry again, I like it. And cherry and smoky. I hope it can be served before Cabernet Sauvignon.

Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 and Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2006. The reason I have impressions of these two is their black currant aromas are not as dense as other Cabernet Sauvignon I had had, but crisper black berries. Both have young and harsh tannins, but the Estate's is better.


後記 / Afterwords

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不知道為什麼這一次都喝得很快很急,上酒也很快很急,可能真的是其他人都喝很快的關係。當然怎麼喝無所謂正確與否,但如果只是覺得這酒比較甜、比較澀口... 而沒有仔細地品味其中的味道就有點可惜了。

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This time like a "quick date". Maybe because other partners drink quickly. However, I think it is a pity if just drinking and feeling sweet, dry or something else without admiring the detail flavors.
