Marraso 2007 Chardonnay, Columbia Crest 2006 Grand Estates Chardonnay, Louis Jadot 2007 Macon - Villages Chardonnay.
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會挑這三款酒單純只是為了比較不同類型的 Chardonnay,第一款 Marraso 是新世界的酒,來自阿根廷,特色是 un-oaked,亦即主要不是在橡木桶中發酵、陳年,而都是在不銹鋼桶中完成。第二款 Columbia Crest 一樣為新世界的酒,是來自華盛頓州,特色為 oaked。第三款 Louis Jadot 為勃根地(Burgundy)區 Chardonnay,典型的舊世界口味。
[/column] [column width="50%" padding="0"]To choose these three bottles is for comparing different types of Chardonnay. The first one is from Marraso, a winery from Argentina. This wine is an "un-oaked" Chardonnay, which means the fermentation and aging are not in oak barrels, but steel vats instead. The second is an "oaked" from Columbia Crest, a winery in WA, USA. The last is from Louis Jadot, a winery in Burgundy, French, an emblematic "old world" Chardonnay.
[/column] [end_columns]Marraso 2007 Chardonnay
[column width="44%" padding="6%"]味道很乾淨沒有木桶味(廢話),也沒有礦石類的味道,很明顯的成熟果香 ,有橘子、檸檬、鳳梨,口味在這三款當中偏甜,但也是具有常見的酸味。
[/column] [column width="50%" padding="0"]Clear aromas without oak flavor, and no mineral. Very ripe fruits, tangerines, lemons, pineapples. Among these three wines, this one is comparatively sweet, and still has common acidity.
[/column] [end_columns]Columbia Crest 2006 Grand Estates Chardonnay
[/column] [column width="50%" padding="0"]Oak and cream flavor can be found at the top without swirling. Besides, there are apple, pineapple and some spices. Oak and cream are also found in palate, and a little bit cinnamon. However, not last very long in mouth. The most dry among these three.
[/column] [end_columns]Louis Jadot 2007 Macon - Villages Chardonnay
[column width="44%" padding="6%"]清爽不過於濃郁的木桶味,些許的奶油香,搭配上礦泉水味道,再加上檸檬的香氣,光是聞味道就讓我很喜歡這一款酒。飲用的時候除了前述的味道之外,還多了微弱的哈密瓜香,在開頭的甜味過去之後,會有很清新的酸味。這三款酒當中最喜歡這一款。
[/column] [column width="50%" padding="0"]Fresh oak, but not over dense. Light creamy with mineral water. In addition, lemon flavor. I like this one while just smelling. In the palate, besides of the prior aromas, there is a light cantaloupe flavor. After the sweet beginning of palate, it has a refreshing acidity. I love this one most among these three.
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