食記 during Barrel Tasting
出發前去吃了 Himawari,結束後去吃了 Tanto,都是我喜歡的日本食物 (L)
出發前去吃了 Himawari,結束後去吃了 Tanto,都是我喜歡的日本食物 (L)
[column width=”44%” padding=”6%”] 紅湯金邊如冠冕 帶似麥芽的芳香 口中溫潤如絲綢 升起美妙的回甜 [/column] [column width=”50%” padding=”0″] The gold around the crimson likes a crown, the complex smell has a hint of malt. Feel the warmth and the touch of silk, with the finish of fabulous sweet. [/column][end_columns]
Santa Cruz 的春天,在煙雨飄渺中來到; 當放晴,才知道花已經開了。 The spring of Santa Cruz comes with the fogy and rainy. I am not aware of blooming until the weather becomes sunny.
很美味,之後有空要親自去法芙嵐試試 (筆記)
Sometimes I like to walk back to my place after a day, and watch the scenes and breathe the fresh air. Of course, enjoy the warm sunlight in winter. 🙂 This photo was taken near my place, and flash-on to increase the exposure of the house. I like the contrast between the bright light and […]
God… 怎麼又一家好店關了… :~
After the rain… In Santa Cruz, winter is the season of raining. Actually, I do not like the raining days here. The reason is that cars make louder wheel rolling sounds while driving on the wet road surface, and the window of my room is close to the road. So, the raining days are the […]
要什麼時候才能達到可以開店的程度?覺得現在缺乏的是穩定地讓奶泡流入杯中的控制,所以形狀變得很不穩定,有時候大有時候小,然後間距也忽大忽小的… 另一個就是奶泡跟牛奶的比例控制的還不是很好… stO
之前被 invite 的西雅圖照片在 Schmap 的 Seattle Guide (6th ed.) 上頭刊出了。