最近的 Latte Art
The same, @vinocruz. The wines today majorly from Varner Winery, contains Varner Home Ranch Chardonnay 2006, Varner Hidden Block Pinot Noir 2005, Neely Holly’s Cuvée Pinot Noir 2005. Anonther one not from Varner Winery is Michael Martella Grenache 2006. 飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒! Drinking too much is not good to your healthy, and you can not drink unless you […]
Well, that’s a few weeks ago. The reason I postpone this tasting note is I am not very surprised by the wines in this tasting. Anyway, I think I should wrote done something, so I do it now. The wine list are Gatos Locos Chardonnay 2007, Sonnet Amber Ridge Pinot Noir 2005, Black Ridge Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon […]
[column width=”44%” padding=”6%”] 紅湯金邊如冠冕 帶似麥芽的芳香 口中溫潤如絲綢 升起美妙的回甜 [/column] [column width=”50%” padding=”0″] The gold around the crimson likes a crown, the complex smell has a hint of malt. Feel the warmth and the touch of silk, with the finish of fabulous sweet. [/column][end_columns]
以墾丁的陽光,對比台北的灰濛; 以國境之南,對比遙遠的北方; 以樂觀與爽朗,對比憂鬱的氣息。 好看!推薦!
最近很喜歡去 Starbucks 買 Apple Fritter 來吃,大概是這東西的味道讓我聯想到麻花捲吧… (上圖引自 http://penny0521.pixnet.net/ )
我有時候會寫下一款酒給我的感受,以往都放在最後頭,但這瓶酒實在令人印象深刻,我決定拿到前頭來。 Sometimes, I wrote down my perception of a wine at the end of a wine tasting notes. However, this wine is too impressive, so I move it to the beginning. 初夏的午後, 走在山間小村的路上; 一陣清風, 帶來不遠處番石榴成熟的香; 順著而去, 眼前是一道棚架, 藤蔓在上頭攀爬; 陽光穿過, 在身上灑下了溫暖, 也帶來百香果的熱情; 繼續望前, 我依稀聽到泉水的低語, 在夏日的暑裡帶來一份清涼。 I walk along a path of a hill burg in an […]
飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒! Drinking too much is not good to your healthy, and you can not drink unless you are adult.
繼之前開瓶喝過一兩次之後,就好一陣子沒動,最近拿出來把剩下的半瓶分幾次喝掉,順便來寫一下詳細一點的 tasting notes。 I opened this bottle a few months ago, but only had a few glasses of this great Cabernet Sauvignon, then kept it till now. In these days, I took the left half bottle out again and served myself, and wrote down some notes as tasting records. 飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒! Drinking too much is not […]
材料:鮭魚、飯、磨菇白醬(磨菇、奶油、鮮奶,這邊我是用現成的,因為價錢跟自己作差不多 =____=) 作法: 先烤鮭魚,記得把烘烤過程中的油脂留下來 把 1. 中的油脂放到鍋中加熱,熱油後放入米飯(我自己覺得用隔夜飯或冷飯比較好) 稍微拌炒一下讓米粒沾上鮭魚油脂後,混入白醬(白醬的作法在網路上很多,因為我用的是現成的就跳過吧),稍微留意是否要加入水(以免焦掉) 白醬跟米飯混勻後,把鮭魚剝碎加入拌炒,水分稍微收乾之後就可以起鍋了。