MariaDb (v. 10.4.10) import error (WAMPServer 3.2.0)
Usually happens when importing a huge amount of data to a table with many columns (total data length too large).
Usually happens when importing a huge amount of data to a table with many columns (total data length too large).
紀錄一下。被權限設定浪費不少時間 =_=
這邊的使用情況是要把 gcp sql 的 import 到 aliyun 去
這個狀況在 aliyun RDS 系統上應該很容易遇到
最理想的方式當然是做 cluster,但是有時候沒這麼理想。
While using MySQL ODBC to execute sql statements, only single sql statement is allowed for execution by default. If you want to execute multiple sql statements at once, you have to enable the multiple statements setting in MySQL ODBC.