
Agreement 跟 Arrangement 有沒有差?


  1. Korea-New Zealand Agricultural Cooperation Arrangement
  2. 紐國農業部長Mr. Jim Anderton於207年4月底率領貿易訪問團前往南韓,並與南韓農業部長Mr. Park Hong-soo簽署農業合作協議(Agricultural Cooperation Arrangement),這是南韓與紐西蘭第一次簽署類此協定。這代表紐、韓兩國在農業部分將更緊密合作。對紐國而言,距與南韓洽簽自由貿協定(Free Trade Agreement),向前邁進一大步。(資料來源:國貿局)

    對照當時(2007 年四月)在 New Zealand MFTA/國際事務貿易部上的公告訊息也只有提到雙方未來該怎麼合作、可以怎麼樣合作。

    而在 2008 年 9 月,南韓和紐西蘭就依據此 Arrangement 來進行會談。(資料來源:New Zealand MFTA/國際事務貿易部)

    The joint Committee Meeting is held under the auspices of the Korea-New Zealand Agricultural Cooperation Arrangement which was signed in April 2007 and which aims to encourage the two countries to enhance cooperation across a wide range of areas, including research, information exchange, education, industry to industry links and trade and economic interests.

    During the meeting the two sides made presentations on their respective agricultural sectors and on the role of the two agricultural ministries. There were also exchanges on animal welfare, environmental sustainability in the agricultural sector and New Zealand’s experience of agricultural reform. During the meeting a number of potential cooperative projects were put forward, including opportunities for cooperation and information exchange in the climate change area, and industry to industry exchange.


    對照同一頁上面一點的地方,有個New Zealand-Korea Film Co-Production Agreement,可以發現 Agreement 要有具體、明確的內容(tax break)。

    On 29 September, in Wellington, Rt Hon Helen Clark, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, and Yu In-chon, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, signed the New Zealand-Korea Film Co-Production Agreement, which has been long awaited by members of the film community in both countries. The agreement opens up funding and tax break opportunities for those films which are accorded official co-production status, and a number of producers were standing by to seek such status once the Agreement came into effect, which it did on 10 October.

  3. Multi Fibre Arrangement
  4. MFA中文譯為「多纖維協定」,為1973年12月20日在日內瓦訂定,於1974年生效,為期四年,後經多次延長。後來有紡織品與服裝協議(Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, ATC),ATC為世界貿易組織(WTO)管轄的一項多邊貿易協議,自1995年生效替代 MFA,並規定建立紡織品監督機構(TMB)負責協議的實施,且規定 ATC 在 2005年 1月 1日失效廢止,之後關於紡織品與服裝貿易再回到GATT所管轄。(資料來源)

    來,我再來看條文內容,MFA的條文內容裡頭一樣只有談到可以怎麼樣作,以及合作的方式。但 ATC的條文裡頭就有很明確地講明確的計畫,比方說第三條:

      自2005年1月1日當轉型期(transition period)終止,即自WTO生效日起第121個月首日起,全部回歸GATT。

  5. CEPA
  6. CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement,更緊密貿易關係) 當中包含 Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排)Mainland and Macau Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (內地與澳門關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排),詳細條文可以參考這邊

    在 WTO 的 RTA (Regional Trade Agreements) Database 中可以查到這兩者都屬於 Free Trade Agreements & Economic Integration Agreements (link 1, link 2),但是要注意的是,在 Wikipedia 裡頭可以看到這麼一段話:


    除此之外,也可以在條文中看到「以一國兩制為原則」的內容。而CEPA是全世界唯一一個用 Arrangement 登記在 WTO 內的 trading agreement。(參考 Bilateral Free Trade Agreements, Free Trade Agreements)

所以,Agreement 和 Arrangement 是真的不一樣的。如果是嘴炮,或者講來自爽用的,那可以模糊沒關係,比方說「兩國論」、「一中各表」之類。但是,真的要白紙黑字寫下來的,豈有模糊的空間?

至於爭論 CECA/ECFA 這東西能不能算是 FTA,我覺得這倒是次要,舉例來說,日本和新加坡簽的名字叫做 JSEPA (Japan-Singapore Economic Partnership Agreement);印度和新加坡簽的叫做 CECA (India - Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement)




重點是,內容不能含糊、必須要是對等關係、必須要是 Agreement。



其他相關文章:CECA - Arrangement OR Agreement?