Yap, I am in Belgium right now, having breakfast and planning the route today.
After landing and finishing the imigration, I ask for renting a car instead of taking trains for the whole trip. The reason is I was busy running some document processes and preparing the proposal and meetings before depart. Actually, I started packaging about 4 hrs before boarding.
The first stop is Bruges, an old city which was a trading and financial center of Europe. I love the old brick buildings, rivers and bridges. The origin of the city name has various stories, but no one is sure which one is correct. Some people said "Bruges" means "bridges", because there are a lot of bridges. Some people said "Brugge" means gates or something (sorry that I forget that), because there are many gates here in the mid age. Anyway, Bruges is not a trading and financial center anymore today, but is still famous for its traveling, chocolates, beers and historical stuff.
Beers are good and has different aroma to Taiwan beers, but I still can not find the proper one to pair with burgers or hams. I try Jupiler, the aroma at the begining is good, but a bitter mouthfeel appears while pairing with burgers and hams. Some others are also good, but taste like water while pairing.
Chocolates are also good, and you can find a chocolate museum here and learn about the whole process of chocolate industry, including cocoa cultivation and harvesting, producing cocoa paste, and the art or producing beautiful chocolates.
There are also still a lot of stuffs worth to discuss, but I have to start today's traveling plan right now.
You took some photos of my dog in Damme.
Can you let me know when you ‘ll put them on your site ?
I hope you enjoy your holliday in Belgium.
Hey, man~
So happy you find me here.
I am still in Belgium, and stay in Brussels now.
I will go back to Taiwan in these days, and I think I can make the photos of your dog ready in Aug.