雖然電影還沒看,但去逛片場應該也是可以的吧… XD
雖然電影還沒看,但去逛片場應該也是可以的吧… XD
University of British Columbia, 又是鐵腿的一天…
照片貼貼貼貼~ 全部的Slide Show在這裡。 看完 slide show 之後要大張圖(2400)的請跟我說。 怨念是抽獎沒抽到 T_____T。
At the beginning, Ghent was not in my travel plan (well, the fact is… I did not have any plan at all. :p). But, Michelle forwarded me some Ghent Festival information, so I decided to visit this city for one day after reading the print-outs on the aircraft.
It’s lucky that the hostel I lived provided free walking tour, so that participants can watch the scene of this historical city and know some stories about it. Well, I can not remember all of them, so I just write down what I still remember here. 🙂
逛完 Olympic Sculpture Park 之後,就回到 EMP 去,不過沒有太多時間,所以只能隨意看看。喔,對了,那邊還有個體驗室,可以進去體驗一下當 band 的感覺,體驗完之後還會送體驗者門票(不過應該不會有人要買 XD),覺得演出很有架式的話,還可以買DVD跟照片回家喔 XD 離開EMP之後就前往University of Washington,喔,UW附近好多餐廳可以吃,而且都不貴,真是個幸福的地方啊~~ 古董級圖書館!我非常喜歡從玻璃漫入的陽光!!!! 每年到這個季節UW裡頭都有不少的候鳥過境,好像該改行拍生態了 XD