唔,難得米粉一家三口子一年從比利時回來一次,為了看可愛的 Juju 當然要去 XD
雖然從過年前一路拖到現在才吃到,還是感謝肚魚大正妹帶路 😀
Almost 200km driving… That’s so crazy…
It’s lucky that the hostel I lived provided free walking tour, so that participants can watch the scene of this historical city and know some stories about it. Well, I can not remember all of them, so I just write down what I still remember here. 🙂
美味好吃,可是下一次還要等很久很久 stO
這兩款酒在之前的 wine tasting 中喝過,因為覺得不錯所以都各買了一瓶回來。
It’s so great to find a coffee shop with free wireless internet services and amazinngly good coffee.
While I was walking on the kurb and looking for Verve Coffee in the afternoon a few days ago, I noticed this Japanese sushi bar and decided to have dinner there.
Photos here~~