First Impressions of Bruges / 布魯日的第一印象
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).
After the baptism, the next day is party. In Aalst, a grace garden with a beautiful and well decorated building, and the great weather. 😀
It’s really an interesting experience attending a baptism, and taking photos for it. Thanks for Michelle’s invitation, thanks for the warm weather and charming Julian (*heart*), and the most appreciated is the lovely touching interaction between people. Let’s enjoy the photos! (and sorry for my lazy and late)
Driving in BE is an interesting experience for me.
Yap, I am in Belgium right now, having breakfast and planning the route today.
很漂亮的校園,個人覺得比 UC Berkeley 還美。不過因為我很笨地把讀卡機寄回家了,所以下面的照片絕大部分都拿別人拍的來充數 :Q
前一陣子去了 Berkeley,想說都已經來加州了,不去逛逛好像蠻可惜的,就跟來了加州不喝葡萄酒一樣 (誤)。
這一篇就來寫寫 barrel tasting 之外的事情… :Q 飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒!