世界 Pinot Noir 巡禮
2013/07/06, @梧桐沙龍 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康
2013/07/06, @梧桐沙龍 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康
未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康 [wpcol_3fifth id=”” class=”” style=””] [/wpcol_3fifth] [wpcol_2fifth_end id=”” class=”” style=””] Medium ruby. Pronounced fresh nose with black cherry, cranberry, strawberry note, and hints of bushes, wood branches, grass and a hint of wet gavel sidewalk. Medium+ body with medium+ tannin (very young), medium+ acidity and medium alcohol. Flavors are also dominated by berry fruits, black […]
未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康 2012/10/10, 信義誠品展演廳。 除了拿來作為比較組的 Bouchard 2010 外,每一瓶年紀都比我大… @@”
還有插花的 Heartland Langhorne Creek Limestone Coast Shiraz 2007 Directors’ Cut 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康
2011/3/24 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康
2012/4/6 @布朗尼 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康
2011/3/5 @舊孔雀 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康
2011/12/19, @品集生活 燈光偏昏暗,外觀顏色部分或許不準確 / Light is not so good for a tasting event, so the appearance might be incorrect. 未成年請勿飲酒,飲酒過量有礙身體健康