Heading to Namur, delicious food :D
Almost 200km driving… That’s so crazy…
Almost 200km driving… That’s so crazy…
At the beginning, Ghent was not in my travel plan (well, the fact is… I did not have any plan at all. :p). But, Michelle forwarded me some Ghent Festival information, so I decided to visit this city for one day after reading the print-outs on the aircraft.
It’s lucky that the hostel I lived provided free walking tour, so that participants can watch the scene of this historical city and know some stories about it. Well, I can not remember all of them, so I just write down what I still remember here. 🙂
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).
After the baptism, the next day is party. In Aalst, a grace garden with a beautiful and well decorated building, and the great weather. 😀
It’s really an interesting experience attending a baptism, and taking photos for it. Thanks for Michelle’s invitation, thanks for the warm weather and charming Julian (*heart*), and the most appreciated is the lovely touching interaction between people. Let’s enjoy the photos! (and sorry for my lazy and late)
cute dogs~ 😀 And their masters are also interesting, ask me for photos of dogs… 😀
Well, this is a business can be found in traveling spots. Someone may take a picture of you, and you can get some product or the original picture if you pay. In Ghent, the guy took a shot of me, as the 1st photo. And I took one of him. 😛