Heading to Namur, delicious food :D
Almost 200km driving… That’s so crazy…
Almost 200km driving… That’s so crazy…
My first Bordeaux 1855 classification, and also a gift. Second growth in 1855 Bordeaux Classification.
先說個無關的… 覺得交大今年的活動很弱… 清大有找陶晶瑩來演講,還有相聲表演。 :p
At the beginning, Ghent was not in my travel plan (well, the fact is… I did not have any plan at all. :p). But, Michelle forwarded me some Ghent Festival information, so I decided to visit this city for one day after reading the print-outs on the aircraft.
Chardonnay from south Australia.
It’s lucky that the hostel I lived provided free walking tour, so that participants can watch the scene of this historical city and know some stories about it. Well, I can not remember all of them, so I just write down what I still remember here. 🙂
The city of middle ages, the city of Gothic architecture (歌德式建築).