Wine Tasting@Peacock [2009.12.12]
The 1st official wine tasting of Peacock.
The 1st official wine tasting of Peacock.
1. Cocchi Brachetto d’Acqui 2. Mouton Cadet 2006 3. Baron Philippe de Rothschild Cadet d’Oc 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon (Vin De Pay D’Oc)
Oh~~ My God~~~~~~~!
About NT$300, bought from 大潤發. Many people said this wine is good to drink, so I bought one to taste it. Conspicuous blackberries with hint of cherries, deep ruby rim shows its young age. Trace of young tannin (but I think it’s supple enough), hint of chocolate, a little bit acidity only lasts a short […]
在家樂福買的,沒記錯的話大概是 500 塊。平心而論,很超值,搭配牛排非常美味。 Chateau de Lardiley (騎士莊園)在 Bordeaux 的 Cadillac 區,屬於Entre-deux-mers (字面上的意思是「兩海之間」,between two seas,意指在 Garonne river 與 Dordogne river 中間區域) ,以 60% Merlot + 40% Cabernet Sauvignon 來釀製。早在幾個世紀前就已經建立酒莊,18世紀就得到法國知名銀行家及葡萄酒愛好者的喜愛,並且在國際上屢屢獲獎。VL家族於1905年擁有騎士山莊酒莊,多年以來對品質要求始終堅持如一,葡萄樹生長在坡地為主,土質是礫石及粘土形成的完美土質,同時全部使用有機肥料栽培。 雖然 Entre-deux-mers 區域比不上左岸或右岸那樣的出名,但是這瓶酒的品質真的不錯。開瓶馬上可以聞到迷人的花香,倒入酒杯後細聞可以感受到紮實的黑醋栗香氣,輔以未成熟覆盆莓果香、黑胡椒、薄荷、些許可可味道與略微的甜香。飲用時已經差不多成熟的單寧帶來細緻的口感,紮實的黑莓味道在口中綿延許久,另外淡淡的清爽木質香氣、胡椒味道也加分不少。 像個樸素但優雅細緻的少女,站在樹林前面享受著清爽微風,呼吸著近遠村莊內傳來的陣陣甜美香氣。雖然沒有令人非常驚豔之處,但卻處處引人注意。
[column width=”44%” padding=”6%”] Bought in Carrefour (家樂福), about NT$300 ~ 400 (I am not so sure). I think it can pair with all kinds of dishes, except the spicy foods. In low temperature, flavors contain apple and oak, and palates show pineapple and citrus style tastes. With the raising of temperature, lemon and a little […]
Both sorts of wines are from Asti region, Italy. Both give me a bright, blond and joyful impression. Generally speaking, if you find some Moscato d’Asti or Asti Spumante wines on shelves, just buy it without hesitation, you must do not regret!! Asti Region [column width=”44%” padding=”6%”] Asti is located in Piedmont region of north […]
Urrrr, the notes of preceding 4 tastings are still in the drawer. XD