Wine Tasting@Peacock [2009.12.12]
The 1st official wine tasting of Peacock.
The 1st official wine tasting of Peacock.
Both sorts of wines are from Asti region, Italy. Both give me a bright, blond and joyful impression. Generally speaking, if you find some Moscato d’Asti or Asti Spumante wines on shelves, just buy it without hesitation, you must do not regret!! Asti Region [column width=”44%” padding=”6%”] Asti is located in Piedmont region of north […]
好像是一兩週前跟小天馬聊天講到應該來煎牛排配紅酒,結果很快地就約了這週三實行。菜單有牛小排跟沙拉,紅酒一隻,半甜(semi-sec)白酒一隻。地點在型男阿乾家舉行。 牛小排跟沙拉以及紅酒都是在 Costco 購買,其中小天馬提到只打算使用海鹽來煎牛小排,所以我打算挑 Rhone 區的紅酒來搭配,希望 Rhone 區常有的辛香味道可以跟牛小排好好結合。 這次美中不足的是牛小排有點太油,小天馬在煎牛排的時候因此被噴起的油燙傷,而且吃完這餐的隔天早上起床依舊覺得腸胃油膩膩的。下次應該買比較高等級的牛小排,或者換成菲力來試試,再不然乾脆來去吃 outback 之類的餐廳好了… 紅酒雖然原本打算買隆河區的,不過最後買了有在Costco現場試飲的 M. Chapoutier 2008 Côtes du Roussillon Villages Latour Domaine de Bila-Haut,有試飲過畢竟比較保險一些。這瓶酒產區為 Languedoc Roussillon,跟 Rhone 地區一樣都在法國南部,葡萄品種也都以 Grenache 跟 Syrah 為主,另有 Carignan。深紅色(garnet)的酒液,邊緣為紅寶石色(ruby rim),味道以黑櫻桃為主,另外有 raspberry 香氣,還夾有微弱的黑胡椒香。單飲時有濃厚的果香開頭,接下來有黑胡椒味道,酒體中等單寧不是太多,而且單寧仍算年輕,可以再放個兩三年會比較好。配牛小排吃的時候也不錯,但是最後會出現刺激的辛嗆味道是美中不足的地方。 餐後是 Trivento 非年份(non vintage)的白酒,用 Torrentes 和 Chenin Blanc 葡萄釀製而成。味道以荔枝為為主,夾有微弱桃子香,口感除了甜味之外有鳳梨、檸檬的香味,不過香氣延續性並不好,但如果是喝開心的這瓶酒算是很成功。
Urrrr, the notes of preceding 4 tastings are still in the drawer. XD
Arboleda (雅伯利達) Winery, 號稱是智利的Opus One.
After back to Taiwan, fewer wine tasting occassions I can join, that is not a good news for keeping my nose and cultivating this interest. However, Evergreen Laurel Collection co. provides wine tasting activities monthly, and this is my 2nd time. The first time is in the last month, but my tasting notes must lost in […]
@Vino Prima, a “local” wine shop, but not “local” (santa cruz mountain area) wines.
This is the last time in Vinocruz. 未成年請勿飲酒
The same, @vinocruz. 這一次的大概是整體品質最好的一次。 未成年請勿飲酒