I Love Sushi
Yes, I love sushi. And, it is also the name of a Japanese restaurant here.
Yes, I love sushi. And, it is also the name of a Japanese restaurant here.
I love to work in a coffee shop with internet service, especially with a power plug. XD There are many coffee shops in this small town, and all provide wireless internet services. Besides, because of the cold environment of my lab here, I prefer to stay in a coffee shop and work by the wireless […]
I think, in most cases, you and me are 3.0 or 3.5 persons, and sometimes we may become 2.5 persons due to some reasons. However, this time, I find that one of us stay in 2.5 for a long time. That makes me remind the days with similar scenes. At that time, I am a […]
Almost finish setting up… 😀
之前在 Qoop 上頭用 flickr 上面的照片作了一個 Mug($14.99 15 oz. Ceramic Mug),沒幾天 DHL 就送到了(只是那陣子UC system有罷工,所以DHL也沒辦法進入校園送貨 XD)。杯子本身中規中矩,而照片的質感跟圖片本身非常相近,但因為我是弄黑白的照片去製作Mug的,所以不曉得彩色照片如何,不過,如果黑白的質感已經不錯了,彩色的應該也不會太差才是吧。喔,對了,唯一要挑剔的就是Mug本身是 Made in China XD ,
真像是住在山裡面 @__@