Local Wine Tasting — IX
@vinocruz 未成年請勿飲酒
@vinocruz 未成年請勿飲酒
The same, @vinocruz. 未成年請勿飲酒
I hesitated for a couple of days about whether write down my tasting note about this wine or not, because it did not give me too many special impacts while drinking. It is a quintessential and typical Chardonnay, not special. It has aromas of tangerines, pineapples and oaks, but not dense enough, not concentrated enough, not […]
The first time from my arrival of USA, feel the shaking. The reports said that this magnitude 4.3 earthquake is a normal energy release, much smaller than the earthquake sequences in 1987 (magnitude 7.2). However, the earthquake make me think of the flood on nctu.talk while an earthquake breaks out in Taiwan.
The same, @vinocruz. 未成年請勿飲酒
The same, @vinocruz. 飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒!
前幾天去 downtown 時意外發現有幾顆櫻花準備要開花了,今天帶著相機出去剛好看到盛開中。 😀
出發前去吃了 Himawari,結束後去吃了 Tanto,都是我喜歡的日本食物 (L)
Part 2… 飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒!
[column width=”44%” padding=”6%”] 老實說,很累人的一次 Wine Tasting… 去了五個酒莊,喝了四十多款酒!!因為數量太多,所以挑比較有印象的來寫就好。 飲酒過量有礙身體健康,未成年請勿飲酒! [/column] [column width=”50%” padding=”0″] Honestly, this is a *TIRED* Wine Tasting… Five wineries, and more than 40 wines!!! Because tasted too many wines, I just wrote for those impressed me. [/column][end_columns]